Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Conversation 6 with Cliff Mortensen - Prepared Expectations

Be prepared with no expectations. What body type are you? Trampoline rules! Group Dynamics. Drive Thru vs. Casual dining. Mild or Hot? Is story telling lost? What promotes a Visceral Experience?

Contact Cliff on instagram: @cliffmortensen

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Conversation 5 with Kristen Smith - Stuff Shack

You have all done it and now it is your Stuff Shack! Be part of the movement to create a new lexicon for a 'Yearn Purchase'. Would you win the family toy off?

Contact Kristen on twitter or Instagram: @spacegirlk
And her Etsy shop page: spacegirlstuff

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Conversation 4 with Chis Mathieu - Tax-Kwondo

Suffering from quelled curiosity? ... Meat vs sweet and picky eaters.... Impostor cheddar.  With a bonus ending clip from Chris Mathieu's new album:  The Seeker (released June 15, 2015)
Connect with Chris on Twitter: @muchirishtea or Instagram: @ma2baloo He also performs in "The Resistance" at CSzLA www.comedysportzla.com

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Conversation 3 with Alexis Simpson - Confabulation

Are you obsolete?  Do you have skills?  Are you just a carbon copy? Is Jimmy Buffet a Pirate?  Listen to see what Mr Opinion brings out.
Contact Alexis on Twitter: @amutepiggy or Instagram: @amutepiggy
Performing with "Story Pitrates"  storypirates.org
Performs at iOwest www.iowest.com
Performes at CSzLA www.comedysportzla.com